February 9, 2025

Too much knowledge?

The Genesis story about the first man and first woman is becoming increasingly meaningful to me, not as something that happened once upon a time, but something that happens all the time. 

The issue for Adam and Eve is that they want to know more than they are intended to know, which is why they eventually choose to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They think this knowledge is going to give them the good life. But the opposite happens. Life disintegrates. I am wondering these days (just working on this theory) if one of the problems of contemporary life is that we actually know too much. With a click of a mouse, we can get an overwhelming amount of knowledge and misinformation. It's all too much. The consequence is anxiety, fear, cynicism, and I suspect, lack of gratitude. Economically, we can have an enormous amount of money, but our knowledge that comes from social media and google makes it clear that we could have more. I suspect that a "good economy" will never exist again. We know too much to ever evaluate it in such a way.