The denial of the negative
Back in the eighties, one of my favorite thinkers Douglas John Hall, argued that one of the biggest struggles for Western civilization (particularly the United States and Canada) is the denial of the negative.
Popular preachers and pop psychologists came along in those days and now, telling us that what we need to do was and is to get rid of negative thinking. They weren't totally wrong, but they merely supported our tendency not to face the negative that was and is our experience. Pretending that climate change is not real won't make it go away. "Drill, baby drill" won't eliminate the very real negative experience that we have damaged God's creation, especially through our dependence on fossil fuels. You can't get better without a honest assessment of the facts. Maybe gas prices will go down a few cents--even if at 2.79 per gallon they are at a yearly average rate we haven't seen since 2014. But saving a few cents on gas will not help us face the truth about our insult on God's world.