
Yoga Classes


  • Mondays- 5:45pm-6:45pm, Chair Yoga 
  • 1st and 3rd Mondays of month- 7:15pm-8:30pm Gently Restore Yoga 
  • 2nd and 4th Mondays of month-7:15-8:15pm Soul Flow Vinyasa 
  • 5th Monday of Month- Instructor’s Choice
Pre-K through 5th Grade Sledding, Saturday January 25th, 2-3:30pm

All pre-k through 5th grade kiddos are invited to meet at Beachwood Park (3157 Dune St, Muskegon, MI 49441) at 2pm on the 25th for a fun afternoon of sledding! Make sure to dress warmly and bring your favorite sled!

Soup and Chili Cook-Off, Sunday, January 26th, 12-2pm
Soup and Chili Cook-Off

First Lutheran's Annual Soup and Chili Cook-Off is quickly approaching! Sign-ups to compete in the cook-off are located at both Information Stations. There will be baskets at each station for your money votes. Please also bring non-perishable foods to be donated to a local food pantry. Time to start brushing off those recipes!

High School Winter Sports Outing, Sunday January 26th, 2-5pm
High School Winter Fun Day!

Attend the annual meeting and chili cook off and then meet us at the Winter Sports Complex for an afternoon of skating, skiing, sledding or snowshoeing. Please visit their website for ticket and rental information and cost.

Middle School Hide and Seek, Saturday February 1st, 6-7:30pm
Hide and Seek, Saturday, February 1st, 6-7:30pm

Middle school students are invited to a fun night of hide and seek in the dark at the church! Snacks will be provided. Bring a flashlight if you would like one!

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Lisa Ziemelis
Digital Communication Coordinator